
5 Ways Local SEO Can Affect Your Web Traffic

It has become vital to make sure that Google and other search engine websites discover and ranks your website. Search Engine Optimization also known as SEO is a time consuming process and results are rarely immediate, however, taking the step of proactively working towards SEO right after a new website launch has a great impact on the future rankings of the website on Google. If a company takes the necessary steps that are required for better SEO for their websites at an early stage then they save themselves from hours and hours of work further down the line rather than fixing a website that wasn’t originally built with SEO in mind. Below, we have listed five ways that local SEO can affect your web traffic.

1. Categorizing For Target Keywords.

The structure of a company’s website has a huge effect on its ability to rank. In order to rank effectively for its targeted keywords, companies need to structure their websites so that each page targets its own set of closely related, and highly relevant keywords. Basically this means that companies should break down their website’s structure into categories having each category aimed at a different search keyword.

2. Google-Friendly Content.

Content is one of the key factors in helping a website with its ranking. Before any SEO efforts are taken, companies should make sure that their websites already have content that naturally engages the audience and be knowledgeable at the same time. Research shows that websites with more than 2000 words of quality content rank much higher in Google search as compared to companies with halfhearted, less than 1000 words of content. To get maximum on-page SEO, companies should most definitely include their target keywords in their content occasionally, but be very careful for not overdoing it since Google’s algorithms are smart enough to detect keyword stuffing.

3. Optimizing Title Tags For Primary Keywords.

A title tag is the text that Google will display as the title of a company’s page for every search result along with the text that users see on their browsers when they visit a webpage. Hence, it’s very important for companies to have their title tags optimized for their primary target keywords.

4. Google Analytics and Google’s Search Console.

From the perspective of SEO, Google Analytics is a great tool for targeting opportunities to further optimize a website for specific keywords. Installing Google Analytics as soon as the launch of a website gives companies data right from the start. It’s a very simple process to install Google Analytics. Just visit and sign up using your Google account. Once the website is configured in Analytics, the unique Analytics tracking code needs to be pasted onto the website.

5. Maintain a Consistent Long Term Strategy For Ongoing SEO Results.

Even though SEO is a long process, but if companies prefer to rank for competitive keywords, they need to put together a long term SEO strategy with clearly defined goals, milestones and objectives. This strategy should involve content marketing.

After all said and done, to highlight one “right” way to do SEO is close to impossible since the nature of every website is different, however companies can definitely use the tried and tested formulas that have worked in the past for better SEO results for other companies.

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